
Adventures of a Modern Day, Middle-Aged Hero, on the Glory Road(to family security)


Sweet translations.

Had a pretty poopy day at work today.  So poopy that my 'must eat something bad for you' jones was acting up.  I crushed it down though, and by the time I made it home, the jones had shifted from something bad for me, to something baked and sweet...and it wasn't going away.

Foodgawker to the rescue!  A quick search for easy deserts revealed this tasty little recipe for Chocolate Muffins with Peanut Butter

But, to my horror, the website with the recipe was in Polish!  Luckily, it was internet technology to the rescue!  Near the bottom of the right hand sidebar, there is a button you could click on to translate....but I still had to do some math to translate ml into cups for measuring milk and oil.

The only problem I had(and it didn't effect the flavor) was that the peanut butter didn't wamt to stay on the bottom like it did on the Polish website.  I'll just have to try it againand again until I get it right.

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