
Adventures of a Modern Day, Middle-Aged Hero, on the Glory Road(to family security)


Well, that's good to know.

Learning lessons is good.  Today's lesson in the kitchen is that while it takes roughly one pound of fresh asparagus to give you a pint jar of pickled asparagus, it only takes about one HALF of a pound of fresh green beans to fill that same pint jar.

So, yeah, I've got about 3 times the amount of green beans that I needed to can up two batches(14 total pints) of pickled green beans. 

Tune in tomorrow for Canning 2, Electric Boogaloo, were I dust off the pressure canner to make up a few batches of 'normal' canned green beans...chopping them into pieces and boiling them seems to be easier than hand packing each jar length wise. 

We shall see.

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