
Adventures of a Modern Day, Middle-Aged Hero, on the Glory Road(to family security)


Don't call them weeds.

The word 'weed' has a certain negative connotation to it...and it's hard to be too negative about things that have a use...and save me money.  The fact is...the chickens LOVE the weeds.  Common Mallow, chickweed,  wood sorrel(which I always confuse with clover), and plenty of dandelions.  

I had done a lot of research before we got chickens, and one thing that came up again and again was their weed control ability...but after learning that they like eating normal plants like tomatoes and the wife's hosta just as much as they like weeds(and pooping on my patio), we don't give them free run very often any more.  Which means I need to bring the weeds to them...so it's not saving me time, but it is saving me money...as the chickens want green stuff, and the thought of having to buy them bags of lettuce and spinach...well, it hurts. 

Now, I just need to decide if there is some kind of etiquette I need to follow before I go knock on my neighbors doors and ask them if I can weed their flower beds for them.

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