
Adventures of a Modern Day, Middle-Aged Hero, on the Glory Road(to family security)


Who says dogs are better than cats?

Growling ‘guard cat’ helps foil Oregon break-in
The Associated Press
SILVERTON, Ore. — An Oregon woman says her cat’s growling helped alert her to a man trying to break into her home.
Rose Taylor says she was sleeping early Sunday morning when her cat Addy’s growling woke her. Then the cat, in her owner’s words, “Just flew out of bed.”
The Silverton woman tells KATU-TV she could see a man’s shadow and hear movement at a screen. She figures Addy heard the screen noise first.
Taylor says she jumped out of bed as well, started yelling, turned on a light and called 911. All the noise scared the man away and he was already across the street when she saw him next.
Taylor says police found some fingerprints at her house. She’s getting a new lock for her door and some tuna for her cat.
Silverton is south of Portland.

Man...I think my cat would do this for me.  At the very least, he is so heavy that when he jumped off the couch to meow to be fed, the 'thump' of him hitting the floor would wake me up. 

1 comment:

  1. My oldest girl wouldn't do that but my youngest is an absolute terror when someone approaches my home, anyone. I know when a package is delivered. They don't ring the bell anymore, just drop and run. If I am sleeping and she is in with me, I know someone is coming as well. At least she doesn't dig chunks out of me trying to flee anymore... Love kittens but they are a bit more... on the feral side.

    I like cats, anyway. They need less direct attention and will stop by to pick up what they want, when they want it, if it is available. Sort of like how many women prefer to work? Something. A dog really does need at least an hour a day, maybe more. A cat? Ten minutes here, two there, and through the day they end up with that much or more if available and wanted but can go a few days alone without going hysterical or a bit looney.
