
And now, the waiting.

A few months ago, I complained about how tough it was to wait outside while my younger daughter went into a room without me to audition for a part in a local play.  The not being there to show them your support.  The not knowing how they were doing. 

Well today was even more difficult...because instead of being in a room with people that I at least knew for 5 minutes, my older daughter was hauled away for a little bit over 2 hours for her Jeopardy audition. 

And also unlike the Sound of Music audition where I was at least able to get a slight bit of feedback, my daughter and I are totally in the dark on this Jeopardy audition.  She thinks she did really good on displaying the proper level of knowledge, but she is worried that during the practice game play, she was taking too long to pick the next category and dollar amount.  I told her if that was really her concern, that was a good thing, because it meant she was getting a lot of answers right.

In the dark we will remain too, because the fine folks from Sony said that while folks selected to be on the show will be notified by a nice Fed Ex package, the kids that weren't selected wouldn't know that for sure until they saw the show on TV without them. 

So, fingers crossed. 

After the audition, we headed the beach...Manhattan Beach, to walk the pier, and just enjoy the Pacific.  It was quite beautiful...upper 70's, and a stiff on-shore breeze that kept things cool.  Truthfully, I felt quite bad for the comely young ladies I was oogling.  It didn't quite feel warm enough to be hanging out on the beach in a bikini.  I do appreciate their sacrifice though.

I didn't get much oogling done though.  My daughter and I did some walking, and visited the tiny aquarium on the end of the Manhattan Pier.  It was a pleasant way to pass an hour, and at one point I had to blame the stiff breeze for my eyes watering.

Tomorrow, in addition to being Father's Day, is my daughters 12th birthday...and daddy is extremely aware that we are now 2/3rds of the way to 18.  A time is coming where spending an hour walking along a pier with me is not going to cut it as entertainment.  Heck, that point might already be here...but I appreciate her humoring me anyways.

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