
Now comes the melancholy.

While the happy, smiley birthday party for my daughter was last weekend, today was her actual 11th Birthday.

It doesn't feel like 11 years.  Some days it feels like 30 years, and some days it feels like I just went to bed last night with her being 3 years old.

I would like to think we are doing a good job raising her, but the fact is she is doing a fine job all by herself.  On the verge of being a teenager, she still is a sweet, caring, sensitive little girl, while also being a intelligent, inquisitive young lady with a thirst for knowledge, who is happy to get things like snap circuit remote control rover kits for birthday.

And she's still going to let me read her a few pages of a story and tuck her in tonight. 

Not sure how much longer that will happen, and it's worth missing a few minutes of a hockey game for.  ESPN will tell me how the game ends, but it won't give me this back.

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