
It's going too far.

I'm not what you would call a 'politically correct' person.  Oh, I try to avoid going out of my way to give offense to an individual, but that's just good manners in my book. 

One of the rallying points of the PC community the last few years has been team names and mascots. Things like the Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians and Atlanta Braves are portrayed to be offensive to Native Americans, but so far not much traction has been gained in changing these names.

Some teams have caved under the pressure.  The University of Mississippi cashiered Colonel Reb, and replaced him with a Rebel Black Bear on the side lines.  The one time Washington Bullets of the NBA are now the Washington Wizards, because bulllets are bad, but Gandalf and Harry Potter are good. 

I can kind of slightly understand some of the negative feelings people feel towards the above team names...but this new problem, out of Utah, has me scratching my head.

School can't call team Cougars because it offends some women

Ummm...wow.  Now, this article goes on to say that the fact there were so many other teams calling themselves 'Cougars' and that the new High Schools colors would make them look so much like the BYU Cougars also entered in the decision, but...that sounds like rationalization on their part.  I think a few goofy parents called the school board, and the number/proximatey of other schools calling them 'Cougars' gave them an easy out. 

I might go start a protest against the University of Washington Huskies...brings back bad memories of when us chubby kids had to wear 'Husky' Toughskins back in the day... 

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