
I'm getting better...I didn't throw it against the wall!

Technology and I don't always get along.  I'm pretty far from 'cutting edge', and I embrace technology as a tool, a means to an end, and not the end itself.

Tonight, the technology let me down. 

I like Jeopardy, and I'm more than pretty good at it.  I have a mind for trivial knowledge, and things just kind of 'stick'  With the right set of catagories, I feel I could easily win an episode or two, or even three or four. 

The first step of qualifying to get on Jeopardy is taking an online test, which I have taken 3 times now.  I haven't ever been called for the next step, but I don't think it is because of a lack of knowledge.  My number just hasn't come up.  I can deal with that.

What I can't deal with is an Internet Exploder failure 2 questions into the test, like happened to me this evening.  I was online ten minutes early.  I had run all the 'prove your computer can run this program' program.  I had a whisky and coke handy, as mental lubricant. 

And I got kicked out as I tried to answer the 2nd question(the answer was Catch 22).

That was about an hour ago, and I think I'm finally recovering from my pouting.  The wife has been unimpressed with the pouting, but glad that I didn't treat the laptop the way I treated my remote control after the David Tyree catch.

There will be another chance in 6 months or so...more opportunity to study. 

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