Monday was spent at work, and catching up on laundry, and mowing the lawn.
Tuesday, as soon as I got home, I started working in the yard. My goal was to get my vegetables in the ground. My seedlings were looking ready to go, and we also got some tomato and pepper starts from a friend whose daughter's band was raising money with a plant sale.
I have no idea how they are going to do...all I can really do it cross my fingers, and take notes of things I can do differently. One thing I certainly took note of is that the roots on the things I started looked very shallow and not developed as much as I thought they would be. The possible causes for that could be that either not putting the seeds deep enough, or that I'm not soaking the plants enough when I water them. That is probably true...I do small watering's each day instead of a thorough soaking.

My Wednesday was taken up by having to work some OT Wednesday night, so I just haven't had a lot of free time this week to read enough articles to build up a good rage.
It's almost the weekend now though. I have to work this Friday, and then Friday night we have two friends coming over from Bremerton this weekend. Looking forward to that, and an easy day at work Friday.
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