
Spreading the gospel.

After several weeks of having to read Brigid and Tam brag about the smoked lamb bacon they are able to have in the Paradise they have label Broad Ripple, I decided to get motivated and do some looking around here for the same product.

No luck. In fact, no luck, and several crazy looks when I did get brave enough to ask about lamb bacon.

I'm not one to give up hope that easily though.  One of my wife's friends has an in I've started exploiting...her in-laws own a farm up in Connell, where they raise lambs...and they actually sell their brand through a chain of local grocery stores, Yokes.  Through the magic of social media, I asked her if she could talk to her in-laws about lamb bacon, and after she got looked at like she was crazy, I forwarded her a link to the Smoking Goose's webpage, showing tasty looking pictures of lamb bacon.

So...now the waiting game starts. Hopefully, my efforts have started some kind of ball rolling, and sometime in the next 5 or 6 years, I'll be able to try some smoked lamb bacon.


  1. You can buy smoked lamb bacon online.

    Becaus it's smoked it will ship and stor well.

    I've had it and it's good, but I'm not horribly impressed; I get black forest bacon which is in my opinion superior, but to be honest, I'm perfectly happy with the thick sliced Aldi bacon. What I want to wrap my digestive enzymes around is some whale bacon.

  2. Now see...I don't know about whale. I have no first hand experience, but I used to work with a guy who tried seal meat once(wasn't seal bacon), and he said he would not recommend it...rubbery with a fish undertone. I don't know that whale would have a chance of being much better. That said, if someone else is buying, I'm trying.
