
Must have a hybrid

I'm becoming convinced that at least one of our chickens is some kind of an experiment to cross-breed a chicken with an ostrich.

The egg on the right is what you could expect to find in normal dozen of 'large' eggs at the grocery store. The one on the left...I'm not sure.  I once accidentally bought a dozen 'jumbo' eggs, and none of them were that big. In fact, I have never in my life seen a chicken egg that big.

I'm almost scared to open it without having my shotgun handy, just in case a Velociraptor comes crawling out of it. 


  1. I usually get jumbo eggs. That's... plainly not jumbo. I can't imagine how a chicken can even pass that! Urhm, and I don't think I want to know. Please, no hidden cam views, I am delicate. :p

    I will be curious, if edible, what that tastes like. Oh, but if at all worried? Boil one of them. That'll fix any terror bird potential and save on ammo.

  2. I had a friend that tried to cross a Turkey with an Ostrich to get a bird with large drumsticks. Instead he got a medium sized bird that buries its head in the mashed potatoes.
