
Back to school.

Like kids across the nation, my kids started up school again last week.  One of the nice things about home schooling is that my wife can kind of ease into things.  Last week she started them on Math and English, this week she added in the science stuff, and next week she will add in the co-ops and workshops.  This helps keep the kids mellow, and it also helps my wife work out the kinks in the schedule a bit at a time. 

One of the only negatives of homeschooling is that it cuts down on the days dad takes off to just 'do nothing'.  My wife says it really cramps her style to have me sitting in the living room in my skivvies watching ESPN all morning.

Focusing on the positive though, we get to do nice back to school pictures instead of having a bunch of kids waiting in line to have their pictures taken in front of a fake pull down backdrop.

I'll be honest with you though...all false parental modesty aside, I don't think it's just the natural lighting and backdrop that make this picture amazing.
Speaking of which, better go clean the shotgun...again.  

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