
Live Free or Die

Read a book over the weekend by an author I have been wanting to check out for a while, John Ringo.  The book in question is the 1st book of his Troy Rising series, 'Live Free or Die'.

Blame it on Val Kilmer...whenever I see John Ringo's name on a book, my brain here's 'Johnny Ringo! I'm you're huckleberry'.  Because of that I have probably passed up his books longer than I should.

Live Free or Die is a book about first contact with several alien races.  Essentially, what happens is an alien civilization parks a 'star gate' off one of Earth's lagrange points, and says here you go...a way to get to between star systems.  What YOU do with it and what others do with it is up to you.

After several years of light trading, things do get bad as a hostile alien race shows up in our sky, demanding all our precious metals.  Since Earth has nothing valuable, no other alien race is willing to stand up for us.  After several cities are destroyed, Earth's governments bend over backwards to give the aliens tribute.

Not all people are happy with our 'benevolant protectors'.  One of them finally finds an item that does make Earth valuable(and worth protecting), and also offers the key to equalizing the intergalactic trade balance, opening the door for us being able to protect ourselves.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that this book, with it's theme of liberty at any cost, reminds me more than a bit of 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'.  It doesn't quite harp as much on personal responsibilty as Heinlein does...and he does it in smaller chuncks instead of page long lessons....but the feeling of being willing to fight, and die for freedom is certainly there.

Now to start cruising the used book stores for Citadel.


  1. I'm betting your local library has them.

  2. You are more than likely right...but I am also a chronic re-reader, and so I'd rather just buy a copy for myself that I can read whenever the mood hits me.

  3. You want some fun, read Ringo's Paladin of Shadows series of books.....If you look carefully you can find the first 5 books online for free....if you cannot find them, email me at hesdedjim@aol.com and I will send them to you. His last book just came out and is also top-notch! Basically he is a SEAL, who buys a Georgian estate (not the Georgia in the US) and his retainers (who are remnant of the Varangian Guard) go against the Islamic world. I ASSURE you, you will enjoy every word.
