
Just feels a little strange

As I learn more and more about chickens, I keep reading about some people who basically treat them as garbage disposals, feeding them whatever leftovers might be in the fridge.  This has led to me trying various supplemental food items out on them.  I have discovered that they like kale and Swiss chard, not so much iceberg lettuce.  They like chopped strawberries, and honey dew melon, and honey nut cheerios.  Not so much peppers, or watermelon rinds. 

After reading about one person who just dumps whatever he scrapes off a plate into a doggy bag to feed his chickens, I decided to give them some variety last night, letting them try some left over fried rice that didn't seem worth saving to me.

They pretty much loved it. The only thing left when they were done was a few peas, which is slightly creepy considering there was plenty of scrambled eggs AND left over turkey diced up in the rice. 
It's not quite cannibalism, but...you do have to be careful when you give them eggs.  They must be TOTALLY cooked, otherwise the chickens could develop a taste for raw eggs, which as you can image, would not be good.  

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