
It's almost like a record of things that have happened!

Once upon a time, I started this blog with the hopes that it would help me take over the world.  If not, than I hoped I would become popular enough that companies would bury me in neat things to test and review. 

Baring any of those, there was also the part of it that was for ME.  Getting things out instead of choking on them, and recording things that a teenage girl might have put into their diary.  Exciting things like recipes that I like, and day trips with my girls...and the time that my corn snake stopped eating for 5-6 weeks

When it first happened a year ago, I was somewhat worried about it.  Eventually though, she ate again, and everything was better.  Now, she's doing it again, and I don't need to worry as much about it, because thanks to my blog, I know that last time she stopped eating in April too...and that tells me it is just something to do with her potential breeding cycle, and it's a load off my mind.

Which is nice, because I guarantee you, without this blog, I might remember that she had previously stopped eating, but there isn't a chance in hell I would have remembered it was exactly one year ago. 

1 comment:

  1. I get that too. The thing is, for the most part, once I write it down, beside getting out of my head, it gets set in my memory. I often don't need the blog to remember then. The other thing, for me, is if I write about a project or goal? The chance of it happening increases... many-fold. In the best of times, writing it makes it happen.

    It's good to see others having similar results.
