

After having missed several weeks of my older daughters soccer games due to hunting and having to go to my younger daughters soccer games, today I got to support her double header...one game at 10:30, the other at 1:30.  In the several weeks since I have watched her play, there has been some improvement in her game. 

You can tell she is understanding the game a little better...she is playing her position in the right location, and trying to anticipate where the ball might pop out, and get there ahead of time.  But...while she is getting the mental side of things, she is not quite there on the physical side.  She still plays in a very timid manner.  If a ball is in her area, she will jog to it and then start pulling up if it looks like someone else is going to get to it first, instead of FIGHTING for it.

My wife will not let me try the raw meat diet yet to see if that spurs her on.

The weather today was quite brutal.  While sunny and about 55 by mid-afternoon, there was a steady 25-30 MPH wind ALL day.  It was quite bracing after being out in it for 3 hours.  Added to this is the fact that the Tri-Cities Soccer Complex is built on a little plateau, so you are fully exposed.  My eyes feel like someone sprinkled half a cup of salt and sand in them. 

1 comment:

  1. That problem I can't help with, I was always that little kid who didn't see any point in trying to get out of the way, if they were going to run me down then they deserved what they got.....
