
Sir, it's a requirement.

Back in April, I was a little worried about our corn snake, Gloria.  She had always been a good eater, but one day, she just decided she wasn't going to eat the thawed mouse I offered her.  That's fine, some research showed that occasionally, some corn snakes would extend out past two weeks, to even 4 or 5 weeks between feedings. 

Then we started getting near that time period.  I continued to offer her a thawed mouse every three days...but she just wasn't having it.  Finally, in an act of desperation I broke down, and bought a live mouse. 


Since then, I have just kept giving her live mice.  Sooner or later, I might go back to frozen/thawed, just because it is more convenient/cheaper.  Making a run to pet-co once every 10-12 days is a bit of a pain...it's easier to pick up a 5-pack of frozen mice.

I also don't have to fill out paperwork for frozen mice. 

Each time I walk into the store and buy a live mouse, I have to fill out a sheet of paper for the 'Purchase of a Small Animal Companion'.  It's meant to be a proof of purchase for someone so they can return their small animal if they have problems...like a guinea pig, or hamster, or gerbil....but it seems a bit overkill on mice. 

Especially when the mouse's story doesn't have a happy ending.  Doubly so when the folks working at the store KNOW what you are doing with the mouse.  The first few times, I just kind of sighed and filled out the paperwork.  Yesterday, I finally kind of looked at the girl and said, 'Really?'.  She said it's a company requirement, and went to add that in the two years she had worked there, she had only ever sold one mouse that was being purchased to be a pet.  The rest were being sold for the same purpose that I was buying mine....but each one had to have the correct purchase paperwork filled out, because 'it's the rules'!

Sigh.  I filled it out.  I wasn't rude to the check-out clerk...it's not her rule, and doesn't make enough money to deal with me being pissy at her because she is just trying to do the job her management wants her to do...it's just an example of how the 'No-exceptions-do-it-because-we-told-you-to-not-because-it-adds-value' mentality isn't unique to government bureaucracy.

I wonder how much money Pet-Co wastes each year filing this paperwork(there is a white, pink, and yellow copy!) for mice that eventually end up as poop in someone reptile cage...and if anyone has ever raised the question to the upper management in that way before?

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