
Good Timing

I cut that one pretty close...my updated Concealed Carry Permit showed up in the mail this afternoon, just in time for me to verify the Idaho and Montana Reciprocity Laws before hitting the road Saturday morning. 

Yes...I was a bad gun owner...my permit had expired for a while.  I rationalized it...I can't carry at work, and so that rules out 90% of the time I am out of the house.  Truthfully, most of what I have ever used my carry permit for was getting around the wait times when I wanted to buy something. 

Along with the reciprocity rules, I also wanted to check what differences there are between the states.  The main difference between Washington and Montana is the difference in wording in regards to alcohol.  In Washington, you can't bring your firearm into a bar, or that area of a restaurant where you need to be 21 to get into.  So...Appleby's is okay, but not the 'bar' in the middle of Appleby's. 

According to the Montana Department of Justice, one can't carry: any place where alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed and consumed.

That's a little more restictive than our wording here, so I'm glad I checked that, with visits planned to several brewpubs as well as the Big Sky Brewing company. 

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