

This evening, my wife made The Ultimate Sacrifice, staying home with the kids so I could run off on my own to see The Avengers.  She liked Iron Man, and Captain America, and Thor, so I thought she would pout more over me running off alone, but, she seemed okay with it. 

There isn't much to say about the movie...it was really, really good.  I would say it was better than Chronicle, but not quite as good as The Dark Knight.  Plenty of explosions, and more than enough Joss Whedon moments to go around.  The only real thing I have to say negative about The Avengers is that Scarlett Johansson had shorter red hair than she had in Iron Man 2. 

One good thing about going to see one of THE big movies of the summer is that you get all the good previews before it. 

The Avengers did not disappoint. 

'Prometheus' and 'The Dark Knight Rises' were already high on my list of movies to see later in the summer, and the full length big screen trailers cemented them as the two other movies that I MUST see this summer. 

The next tier of movies would be Pixar's newest offering 'Brave' and The Amazing Spiderman.  Do I think we needed a Spider Man reboot already?  Not really...but this one looks to be well made, and Emma Stone is a 685% upgrade over Kirsten Dunst.  As for 'Brave'...a Scottish Heroine with big early 90's Reba hair?  I'm sure I'll use my kids as an excuse to see this one.

There were two movies, 'The Dictator' and 'Frankenweenie' that immediately went on my 'no way I'm paying $10 to see that' list.  'Frankenweenie' looked interesting, just not movie theater interesting.

Finally, there was the preview that left me conflicted...'Battleship'.  Obviously, the movie has nothing to do with the game, and it's also facing the hard reality that we haven't had a commissioned battleship in the fleet since the 1990's...but...it does have Liam Neeson it(does 'Taken' earn him any kind of 'benefit of the doubt?).  It also looks a whole lot like Transformers...and I dug the heck out of all three of those movies.

Still not sure if it will lure me into the theater though.  I'm not sure which worries me more...the idea that I will waste $20 on tickets and grub, and hate it...or that I will like it, which would obviously say bad things about my mentality/maturity.

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