

Didn't even have to go looking far for this horrible story.  It's out of Moses Lake, little more than an hour up the road.

Boy, 2, weighing less than 10 pounds found in Moses Lake

I can't get my mind around it.  My wife had a little different estimate than the article...she said a two year old should weigh about 35-40 pounds, slightly less than the article quoted, but...oh, does it really matter?  I know friends who have had babies that weighed 10 pounds...the only way that this child could be that light is if some sick bastard was trying to reenact the 'Sloth' scene from 7.

When I first read that the police had made no arrests yet, and had even let the parents go to the hospital with the child....I saw red.  How hard is it to figure out that if you show up at a house where a 2 year old weighs 10 pounds, SOMEONE needs to be arrested?  The Grant County officials are asking for patience, and the spokesman is right...it does take time.

If things go wrong, and they can't save this little boy...someone needs to pay, and the only coin I would be willing to accept is blood.  There are times I'm so tired of our wishy-washy society.  Starving a 2-year old to death isn't neglect...it's murder, and should be treated as such. 

I'm not known to be the praying type, but I'll make an exception tonight. 

Read more here: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2012/05/11/1937177/boy-2-weighing-less-than-10-pounds.html#storylink=cpy

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