
There are always lesson's to be learned...

Trying to be realistic about my garden plans this year. 

When I first moved in, I was thinking something like a 10 X 20 foot garden would be a good sized 'first year' garden.  Each time I have gone out into the yard, the garden has gotten smaller.  Right now, using the fence segments as guides, I looking at about an 8 X 10 foot garden, with another similarly sized plot of land I want good and ready to go for some fall crops, like peas and kale.

I don't see how I can fail to produce some zucchini, and yellow squash, and some tomato's and peppers from starter plants.  I've done that before in containers.  It's the final outcome of stuff that I started from seeds that has me...if not worried, than highly interested.  Plus...it's the things I can learn this year to make next year, and the year after that more productive/efficient. 

One lesson I have already learned revolves my selection of beans.  The wind coming up the Columbia Valley tends to be 'energetic', especially during the spring, summer, fall and winter.  Every 2nd or 3rd day, when the fronts pass through, you are going to have a pretty steady breeze in the 20MPH range, with gusts to 35 not attracting any special attention.

So...one thing I didn't really think about is the effect that a steady wind like that would have one something spindly like pole beans...

I'm not sure if the answer is trying to grow bush beans next year, or trying to design some kind of a wind break.  I might even take a look at some dates...see if I can get some bush beans going still this year.  If not, it looks like I have 11 months to think about it...

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