
Strange thing to look forward too...

I get to go to the dentists this morning...and I have never looked forward to a dentists appointment as much as this one. 

The warning signs were there back in January, but I ignored them...for about 6 weeks, things seemed to fade away. 

Then, things started acting up again, and my wife actually got me an appointment in a quite timely manner.  The cleaning went as painful as most of them also do, and there was in fact a cavity in one of my back teeth.  The dentist wasn't sure if a normal filling would do, or if things would require a root canal. 

Today, I will find out...either way, I don't care what they have to do, so long as the tooth stops acting up.  The last few weeks that has been no doubt that something is wrong in the back corner of my mouth.  Hot stuff doesn't bother it, but anything colder than room temperature brings out the ache. 

Hopefully a few hours of pain will lead to a good nights sleep. 

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