
Oh, Mother Nature...you tease...

Well...Mother Nature fooled me but good.  Two weeks ago, I started a couple of trays full of seeds so I would be ready when spring sprung.  Based on the weather at the beginning of March, it looked like that was going to happen any minute...but now, things are backing off again a bit.  Day-time highs are where they are supposed to be, but night time lows have dropped back down to the 26-27 range for a couple of day span. 

Luckily/unluckily, with a few exceptions, my seeds haven't quite exploded the way I thought they would. 

The only things even getting close to being ready to go in the ground are two of the green beans, and one of the spinach plants.  The spinach can stay in the grey pot for A WHILE...but those two green beans are not going to last long in the egg carton.  Luckily, I do have a few empty pots from when we moved, so if I need to give them a temporary home until other things catch up, I can.

I'm a little bummed that my most successful plant so far is the marigolds...you know, the one that wouldn't help feed my family. 

Here's the stats so far, as much for my future reference as for yours(at this point, I'm just counting successful sprouting): 5 of 12 Green Beans.  7 of 14 Spinach.  9 of 12 Marigolds. 

ZERO of 8 Peppers.  Ouch.  I'm tempted to poke around in the soil so I can see if anything is happening with the seeds...but I'm going to try to be patient. 

Just in case I might throw some a few more pepper seeds in some of my spare pots. 

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