
Mr. Green Jeans.

Because moving next week isn't stressfull enough, I decided with spring time rapidly approaching(the extended forcast shows nothing below 35 in the week ahead), that the time had come to get a few seeds planted, even though we don't have a plot of ground to put them in right now.

This was the calm before the storm:

Look at that organization...the egg cartons are for getting seeds started, the bigger pots are for some seedlings that my wife started with the kids a few weeks ago(zinnias and sun flowers).

I haven't ever really done a garden before...I've done a few containers of peppers and tomatoes before, but not a full on plot of land, and one of the few things that always confuses me, is how many plants of each type I should put in the ground...I mean, how many peppers, or how much spinach do you get from each seed?

For starters, I decided to do 8 spinach plants(Giant Noble), 8 things of Pole Beans(Kentucky Wonder) and the 4 each of Early Jalapeno, and Grand Bell Peppers.  Finally, I planted a dozen sets of Marigolds.  I know that marigolds are a good natural repelant for pests, plus, my wife likes them, so why not. 

We'll see how it goes...this is just a start, a few things we can get in thr ground right after we move in.  I'm also hoping to do some carrots, and zuchinni, and tomatoes.  For the fall, my wife wants to do pumpkins, and maybe butternut/acorn squash, and then some peas, as a cover crop. 

At worst, it will be a 'learning experience'.

1 comment:

  1. We planted 3 jalapenos last year, got bunches of peppers through out the summer, enough for hubby to eat several fresh, and for me to pickle a bunch of small jars worth.
