
Plan B

U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Leighton struck a blow for freedom and individual rights today when he upheld his previous decision(which had been over ruled by the 9th Circuit Appeals Court) stating that Washington State couldn't require a retailer to carry merchandise they don't want to carry.

In this case, the merchandise in question is the 'Plan B' contraceptive pill. 

Now...I'm a freedom loving libertarian type, so I am totally okay with a judge ruling the State can't force a store to sell ANYTHING.  Capitalisim baby. 

What I am less okay with is the fact that this has been kicking around our court system for over FOUR YEARS!!!! 

Okay...my frustration stems from my opinion that Plan B is not an abortion pill, which is not an opinion shared by everyone.  With the Plan B pill, there is the possibility that the egg is fertilized...Plan B just prevents the egg from attaching an developing if it IS fertilized.  I guess it comes back to the old 'when does life begin' argument.  I'm not in the 'at the moment of conception' camp...pressed for an exact moment, I would say when the heart starts beating. 

So...given that opinion, the first and ONLY thing that should have been looked at in this case is what other materials the pharmacies in question sell.  If they are selling condoms or any other form of birth control, I feel their objections are bunk. 

Either way...it shouldn't be floating around in our legal system almost 5 years later...

Guess our courts feel they need the job security...

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