
Burn her at the stake...

Things have been busy the last few days(my wife and I have been burning through season two of Glee on Netflix) and other than Ron Paul being dismissed after a 2nd place finish in New Hampshire, there hasn't been much that I have felt the need to rage about.

Until now.
Mom Charged After Twins Found Dead in Trunk

I'm not always a judgemental person.  I can spend 10 minutes staring at peanut butter at the store trying to decide between creamy and crunchy. 

When it comes to crimes against children though...I'm Nancy Grace's target audience, as much as it shames me to admit it.  The last paragragh of the story says she admitted to law enforcement officers that she admitted to acting to terminate the lives of her new born twins...which is all I need to see. 

This lady should be out of the news and cooling in the ground before I go back to work on Monday. 

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