
The wrong things catch my eyes, sometimes...

Floating around on Yahoo this morning, and there is a story about a broken tanker truck that dripped 100's of gallons of driveway sealant across tens of miles of Pennsylvania turnpike.

Over 150 cars that drove through the spilled sealant were disabled when their tires started to stick to the road, making a pretty major mess of things. 

All that's a bummer, but what really caught my eye was this statement:

Laura Frick told WTAE-TV she was traveling from Cleveland to New Jersey for the holiday.
"Now we have to turn around and go back home," Frick said. "It's horrible."

Lady you said it...if your only choices for the Thanksgiving Holiday were Cleveland, or New Jersey, that is pretty horrible. 

Gotta go pack for my trip now...it's raining in Snoqualmie Pass today, which at least means it isn't snowing...

1 comment:

  1. "it's raining in Snoqualmie Pass today, which at least means it isn't snowing..."

