
Sleeping in.

Got held over last night to work a double.  Things wrapped up a little early, and so I was out of work by 9, home at 9:30.  Crawled into bed about 10:30 with my wife, and said 'Thank Gosh tomorrow is my Friday off so I can sleep in.'

Yeah...good luck on that.  I did sleep in...all the way until 6:30, which is a whole hour and a half later than  I usually get up.  This is the norm for me.  Even if the wife and I are having a 'parents night off' or something, spending the night in a hotel...sleeping in LATE for me is 7ish.  It's been this way for me as long as I can remember, and was a major 'growing' point in the early parts of our marriage(oh, who am I kidding, it still is!) because my wife is one of those people for whom 'sleeping in' means just not getting up today. 

Left to her own schedule, I think my wife's natural rhythm would have her going to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning, and sleeping until 11 or 12.  On a weekend, if I am able to keep the kids quiet(much tougher in the apartment than in the old house) she would sleep in until about 10o'clock.  Which is fine...now that I am used to it.  I simply get up and go about my way...getting the dishwasher unloaded, heading to the laundromat when I had too, blogging around the internet...it was fine.  If it was a weekend we had plans, I would simply make sure I had a cup of tea or coffee ready before I went in to wake her up.

It's funny to watch our kids...our oldest daughter is like me...out in the living room to read a book at 6:45, while the other one has to be woken up at 8:45 if we want to do anything. 

Things are a little tougher for me right now, because my mother-in-law is in the living room right now, sleeping...and it's not right for me to punish others because of my own inability to sleep in.  I tried to unload the dishwasher quietly, and finally decided to put on some jeans and head out the door.  Just cruised around town for a bit before finally ending up where I intended too all along...Spudnuts

Tasty donuts....I rank them ahead of Dunkin' but behind the Morning Side Bakery in Port Orchard or Voodoo Donuts in Portland.  The real difference with these potato flour doughnuts is the texture and heft...very light and fluffy...and good.  My only problem with them IS the texture and heft.  Usually, I'm a two doughnut guy...but these spudnuts, while the size of a 'regular' doughnut, don't sit in my belly the same way...two just leaves me craving a 3rd. 

Maybe it's the cocaine they put in the dough...

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