
I'll take the blame...

Being all kinds of motivated, SWMBO has began moving all kinds of stuff we don't need every day into our new apartment.  The goal is to take of moving all the small stuff ourselves, since we have 5 weeks to get it done, and then bring in a company like Help-U-Move for a few hours one day for the big stuff...couch, dresser, table, hutch's, bunk beds, book cases...that kind of stuff.  I am just at the point where I would rather pay a few hundred bucks to get it over and done with, instead of doing the big things myself...stairs kick my butt.

Not to be outdone by my wife, I decided to get into the action, and so yesterday I made a run of stuff myself...bringing over, among other things, the 75 pounds of ammunition we had in the closet.  

I'm glad to make some progress on the moving thing, I just worry that by separating ourselves from most of my ammunition stash, I habve removed the last block that was holding back the zombie apocalypse.  I have enough ammunition in my range bag for most 'social situations'...but not enough to hold out against a zombie siege. 

I guess one of the good things about having two kids is I can send one out to act as a diversion, while the rest of us head to the new apartment to get the ammo.

It's looking like good long range planning on my wife's part to get my older daughter started on her running program.

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