
Imagine that

During the last election cycle in Seattle, in somewhat of a surprise, the incumbent, Greg Nickles, lost in the primaries.  I only say somewhat because I hate most of what came out of Greg Nickles mouth...for an incumbent to lose in the primaries tells you that other people must have agreed with me. But, in reality, Nickles lost because he didn't fight hard enough to keep the Sonics from leaving town, AND he didn't let the City of Seattle use salt when it snowed, because of the salmon.

He was between in the primaries by two people that most would consider outsiders, as far as neither of them being career politicians.  Moving on to the main election, it basically came down to Business(Mallahan was a former telecommunications executive who worked for the Obamessiah's campaign) versus The Environment(McGinn is an activist lawyer who chaired the state Sierra Club).

McGinn won...and, 6 months after the election, there is already buyers remorse. 

The biggest complaints of course, are what got him elected...he doesn't understand politics...he doesn't play well with others...he counter-attacks instead of listening doing what the career city workers tell him to do...

Sheesh...don't get me wrong...I don't agree with much he wants to do...his big goal would be to drive all single passenger vehicles off the streets of Seattle.  He has increased parking meter charges, is doing away with a large amount of on street parking to put in more bus lanes...but, it's what he was elected on...it's not like there was false advertising.  He's also digging in against the plans to put in a water-front tunnel through Seattle...which is brilliant...as someone who grew up in New England, I remember what a mess the Big Dig in Boston was...I can't see a Water Front Tunnel through Seattle going any better(or cheaper). 

Frankly, the city of Seattle is a mess...no one(even me) could do a good job as Mayor of Seattle...but, at least McGinn is trying to do what he was elected promising he would do.

Glad I live on the other side of the mountains now...must be something about spending the night at my moms place in the Seattle's Shadow that even makes me give a rats ass about what these crazy people are doing to themselves over here...

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