
Much Sadness and Furious Anger

As a parent, this story, about the daycare fire in Texas where 4 children died, runs me through the whole spectrum of emotions.

On those occasions when I was working and SWMBO was either going to school or working, she was usually the one dropping the kids off at day care, and I was the one picking them up. But, on those occasional times when I did drop them off...never once did I think it was going to be the last time I saw them alive.  A peck on the cheek, and a see you girls this afternoon, and then I was off.  I'm not sure how I would have reacted if I got a phone call telling me that one or two of my girls had died in a fire while I was at work.  Luckily, I have never had to make it past the 'imagining' stage as far as pain like that goes. 

Likewise, I have never actually had to experience the emotions one would go through after being told 'Oh yeah, the reason on or two of your girls died in that fire is that the lady you trusted to watch over them, ran to Target real fast'...but I can imagine those emotions also.  And those are some dark, dark emotions.  The type of emotions they make successful Hollywood movies about. 

Now, add in having to deal with the fact that the Houston Police let a possible suspect in an incident that lead to the death of 4 young children skip town and fly to Nigeria...now we are talking the type of emotions that they make UNSUCCESSFUL Hollywood movies about. 

I'm not going to pretend that whatever the legal system could do this lady(assuming she is guilty, which she is, but we have to say assuming to be fair) would in any way resemble proper justice...but if she never comes back to the states, I hope that some kind of unsuccessful Hollywood movie thing happens to her in about 18 months in Nigeria. 

I might be due for some vacation time myself by that time. 

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