
Nothing is ever easy.

After we accepted the totally acceptable(if not overly generous) full price offer offer for our house which would require us to cover $5,000 of closing costs, the closing date was set for February 4th...next Friday.

With the clock ticking, I made an appointment to get the septic tank pumped last Friday.  While they said they didn't NEED someone there, it made me feel better to have my wife there...plus as previously stated, it was an excuse for my wife to visit friends. 

Turns out I'm glad I had her there.  In addition to the discovered theft of my lawn-mower and generator, there WERE problems with the septic tank...namely, they couldn't find it.  Luckily, my wife WAS there, and she let them in the house to dump some tracking dye in my toilet, which they then used to locate my septic tank...three feet under the right front corner of my front lawn. 

Not a big deal, as the septic tank company has there own Back-Ho.  Yay!  But it was already booked for the day and wouldn't be able until Monday, meaning my wife had to stay in Western Washington over the weekend.  Boo!  Oh...and the minimum charge for getting the Bob Cat to show up was an additional $175.  Double Boo. 

Shortly after that call from the wife, I got a call from our real estate agent.  Apparently the buyers were not pleased with the service they had been getting from their financing company, and had started the paperwork for financing with a new company.  But...that was NOT going to be completed in time for closing on February 4th.  The buyers were seeking an extension of a month to complete securing the new financing. 

After asking my agent if there were any offers that I wasn't aware of, I didn't see any choice but to give them the extension.  I really want this house sold.  At the advice of my agent, rather than give them 30 days up-front, we gave them two weeks.  If they look like they are making progress, good, we can give them more time if needed.  If not...we cut bait, and start from scratch.  I REALLY don't want to start from scratch. 

Monday rolled around, and it looks like the bad news is done for now.  The Septic Tank company showed up early, found the tank with minimal damage to the yard, and said everything looked perfect inside. 

Well, as perfect as a tank made to hold feces CAN look. 

1 comment:

  1. Probably a good thing. Lenders should be licking the boots of anyone who can afford a (not-foreclosed) house in this economy. A shabby lender could screw the whole deal. If the septic tank is the only glitch with the house, you're in VERY good shape!
