

The wife and I spent the better part of 5 hours working away in the new apartment, unpacking and trying to get things organized. She concentrated mostly in the bedrooms, while I was in the kitchen, playing with cans of stuff.

Good news: We have a lot of stuff. Bad news: Being in an apartment isn't always the best place to be when you have a lot of stuff. This apartment has better storage space than most, but it is still a challenge trying to initially get everything set up. It is a good time to figure out exactly what you do or don't have.

We are set up fairly well as far as canned supplies go. I wasn't writing stuff down, but(approximate numbers here), I wanna say we have about 70 cans of green beans, 30 of corn, 45 of peas, and 30 of potatoes, and 30-40 cans of varied beans(kidney, black and baked). Our canned fruit situation is pretty good also...between peaches, pears, pineapples and mandarin oranges. The negative of this is that when I say canned, I mean store bought cans...not home canned. Someday, I hope to be at that point.

We also have about 56 cans of gravy. I THINK I stocked up on the gravy because at one point I was trying to convince myself if we had to live off neighborhood pets and squirrels, it might be easier to stomach with a can of Campell's Gravy on top of it.

Dry goods wise, we have a lot of vacuum packed rice(like 50-60 pounds of it) and another 20-30 pounds of vacuum packed dry beans.   20 pounds of sugar, with each original 5 pound back being vacuum sealed.  And 20-25 cans of spaghetti sauce, and at least that much dry pasta. 

That is the good. 

The bad is a kind of low supply of animal related protein, and stable fats.  The pipe dream here is that if things ever got really bad(pick your scenario) that my supply of firearms and ammunition would allow me to harvest fresh protein.  Based off my lack of success LEGALLY hunting each year, I'm not sure we should count on my ability to bring home fresh squirrel from the city park on an 'as needed' basis.  Our canned protein is limited to a couple tins of spam, about 10 cans of chicken, and 100 packages(pouches and cans) of tuna.

The ugly is our flour situation.  We have our 'in use' plastic tub of flour, and one other 10 pound bag sealed and on stand bye.  We'll have to wait to see how things in the apartment shake space wise out to figure out if now is the time to lay in a supply of flour.

 Can't make squirrel pot pie with our canned green beans and gravy without the flour to make the pie crust. 

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