
Signs of the End Times!!!!!

Despite what you might think, the snow storm/blizzard currently hitting most of Washington(and potentially trashing my Thanksgiving goals of having some snuggle time with the family) is not a sign of the end times.  But, you might be thinking...if 16-degrees , 5 inches of snow on the ground, 4 more inches to come, and 25-35MPH winds DON'T mean the end is coming, whatever can you be referring to?

Glad you asked:
Justin Bieber Wins AMA Awards, Including Artist of the Year

For real?  Justin Bieber!?!?!?  Okay...it's not like he beat the Beattles, Charlie Daniels, or AC/DC.  Instead he beat Ke$sha, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Eminem.  Ummmm....lets see...Ke$sha is trash...likewise Lady Gaga.  Katy Perry...a nice , pretty girl with large ta-ta's and an okay voice....and then, Eminem...a rap artist who routinely tops the charts and writes and performs topical, socially aware songs.  Well...crap, I can see why Bieber won.  My vote would have been for Eminem, unless Katy Perry had tried buying my vote with a kiss. 

Upon further review though, it is revealed that the American Music Award winners are voted on totally through the internet, giving a teen-age sensation like Bieber, having a teen-age following with nothing better to do(like earn a living) than vote on the internet, a huge advantage. 

Anyway...time to buy more ammo and tuna in case you weren't already prepared. 

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