
I don't get it.

Appeals Court Keeps Military Gay Policy For Now

So...here we have a Democratic President, who I believe all along has run with the position that 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is a bad policy, and it should go away.

We also have a judge who is finally taking a stand, saying that DADT is Unconstitutional, a violation of peoples first Amendment right to Freedom of Speech.  District Court Judge Virginia Phillips did all the dirty work for Barry, saving him a fight in Congress and saying it's gone...no need to discuss it. 

The Pentagon, seeing the writing on the wall, has already issued clarification to it's recruiters to stop excluding openly gay recruits, and stop processing openly gay people for discharge.

YAY!!!!!!  Huge victory for gay rights!  Except wait...the Justice Department(run by the President eventually, right?) has filed an appeal against the hold on Dont' ask, Don't Tell. 


The claim by the Government is that the lifting of DADT has to be done in an 'orderly way' because we are at war right now, and that allowing openly gay service members could harm troop morale and unit cohesion when fighting two wars. 

You mean, kicking a highly trained professional out of an integrated combat or support unit would harm unit morale and performance LESS than letting him stay!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!

STOP!!!!!!!   When I was on the Seawolf....we had a guy that was gay on the boat.  I am pretty sure everyone other than the Captain knew he was gay.  And he was an okay guy...very personable, good guy to share a beer with and watch football with, AND, most importantly, he was half-way competent at his job.    Maybe because I'm not very hot...I never felt him undress me with his eyes(Heck, in the crews berthing area he wouldn't need to undress people with his eyes....we were running away half naked).

Having him kicked off the boat for being gay would have had a much larger effect on moral than allowing him to remain 'openly' gay.

I guarantee you that AT LEAST 75% of the gay people in our military are KNOWN to be gay to at least their peers in their unit.  People work too close together not to know.

I am so tired of hearing about this.  What it is really about is the bureaucrats.  They NEED us to think that complete chaos will erupt when we overturn this lame-ass policy because they NEED to justify their jobs!  If a judge could just overturn this policy with a stroke of her pen, and cat's and dogs just started living together calmly...we would be able to do away with half of the policy writing Human Resource leeches on the government pay-roll.


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